PhD, MPhil, MMC
Media Economy, Media Sociology, Development Communication, Media and Information Literacy
31st March, 2014 – 5th April 2023: Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication and New Media, Central University of Jammu, Jammu, J & K, India.
1st August, 2012 – 29th March, 2014: Assistant Professor, Department of Convergent Journalism, Central University of Kashmir, Srinagar, J & K, India.
18th July 2011 – 20th July 2012: Assistant Professor (Contract), Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Central University of Bihar, Patna, India.
22nd August, 2006 – 17th July 2010: Academic Associate (Contract), Department of English Journalism, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi, India.
Principal Lead, India for an international comparative study on newsrooms and beats.
Principal Lead, South Asia for the Journalism Education and Trauma Research Group (JETREG) project. https://jetreg.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/
Participated in Global Media Monitoring Project, 2020 (GMMP, 2020). https://whomakesthenews.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/India-GMMP-Report.pdf (page no. 50)
Consultant (short-term) with Internews for the Chambal Media/Khabar Lahariya verification training program.
Trainer for Media Literacy programme BBC Young Reporter
- Kumari, A. (2023). Adolescents and Social Media: Attraction, Addiction, Image Creation and Necessity. In Raman, Usha and Kasturi, Sumana (Ed.), Childscape, Mediascape Children and Media in India (209 – 232). Orient Blackswan Private Limited, Hyderabad.
- Kumari, A. (2023). The Complexity of Ownership of Media in India and Emerging Trends. In Rabindranath et al (Ed.), The Role of Media in Contemporary Scenario (64 – 91). Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi.
- Kumari, A. (2021). Pandemic-A raison d'etre for 'Infodemic' and Media Literacy- 'solus solutio'. In Tripathi, Durgesh (Ed.), Rethinking Media and Socio-Cultural Change: India and The Globe in the Times of Pandemic (238-256). HP Hamilton Ltd., United Kingdom
- Kumari, A. & Sugandha (2020). Representation of Voices of Women in Media: A Jammu Centric Study. In Katoch, Archana (Ed.), Women Empowerment: Issues and Challenges (pp.46-77). Anamika Publishers. New Delhi.
- Kumari, A. (2016). Political Delineation of News Media in Kashmir Valley and its Consequences. In Bhattacharya, Mausumi (Ed.), Crony Journalism: An Overview (pp. 72-89). Santiniketan, India: Santiniketan Press.
- Shilpa, K., Kumari, A., Das, M.M., Sharma, T., Biswal, S.K. (2023). Exploring Trauma Literacy Quotient Among Indian Journalists and a Way Forward in Post-Pandemic Era: A Case Study of India, Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, 78(2), pp. 267–288
- Kumari, A. (2022). The Routledge companion to journalism ethics, Ethical Space, The International Journal of Communication Ethics Vol.19 No.2, 53-54, ISSN 1742-0105. http://www.abramis.co.uk/ethical-space/journal/v19n2/v19n2.pdf
- Kumari, A. (2022). Positioning of Women in Advertisements: Economics of Transformation. ShodhKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing Arts, 3(1), 114-125. DOI: 10.29121/shodhkosh.v3.i1.2022.74 https://www.granthaalayahpublication.org/Arts-Journal/index.php/ShodhKosh/article/view/74
- Archana Kumari (2019) Young People and the Future of News: Social Media and the Rise of Connective Journalism, Mass Communication and Society, DOI: 10.1080/15205436.2019.1697566
- Kumari, A. December 2017. “Media Narratives of Kashmir Unrest in July 2016: A Comparative Analysis of Regional Newspapers”. Journal of Content, Community and Communication. Vol. 6 Year 3. Amity University. Madhya Pradesh. ISSN: 2395-7514 (Print), ISSN: 2456-9011 (Online)