cordially invites you to the
Indian Universalism to Particularism
A Hypothesis for Indian Sociology
Prof. Vivek Kumar, CSSS, SSS, JNU
12th OCTOBER 2023 at SSS II,
ROOM 013, 3:00pm-5:00pm
Abstract: Reading the Postmodernism of Lyotard and Foucault, Sociology as an Art Form by Robert Nisbet, the Myth of value-free Sociology of Alvin Gouldner, Shikai Ishikirion of Yamagashi and Brinton, and The Romantic-Conservative Reaction of Zeitlin, to name just a few, it can be argued That Sociology has a number of faces. Further, Sociology is not an objective science. At least in the initial stage of its development in the nation where it emerged, it has taken various shapes. Hence, how can Indian Sociology be an exception? Why does it have to follow a Western path of evolution and development? Why can't it travel its own path of development?
In this context, we want to read Benoy Kuamr’s ‘The Positive Background of Hindu Sociology, Radhakamal Mukerjee’s ‘The Philosophy of Social Sciences and The Dimensions of Values, P. H. Prabhu’s ‘Hindu Social Organization’, Babasaheb Ambedkar’s ‘Buddha and his Dhamma’ and G.S.Ghurey’s Nationalist Sociology to ask a few questions, that is, whether the philosophical and methodological preposition that exists in Western Sociology/Social Sciences does exist in the Indian Society as a whole. Therefore, this research project tries to
analyze whether we can utilize the values underlying the social institutions and society in India to evolve the Sociology of India.
Prof. Vivek Kumar (Ph.D.) is Professor of Sociology, Public Intellectual and former Chairperson of Centre for the Study of Social Systems, School of Social Sciences, JNU. He has also been co-ordinator of Global Studies Programme and Ambedkar Chair Professor in Sociology, instituted by Ministry of Empowerment and Social Justice, GOI. As a recipient of Fulbright Teacher’s Fellowship, Prof Vivek Kumar has been Visiting Professor in the Department of Sociology, Columbia University, New York, USA. As a DAAD –UGC fellow Prof Vivek has also been a visiting faculty at the, Humboldt University, Germany. His publications include, Caste and Democracy in Indian (2014), the edited volume Dynamics of Change and Continuity in the Age of Globalization (2009), India's Roaring Revolution (2006), and Dalit Leadership in India (2002). His seminal article includes, ‘How Egalitarian is Indian Sociology’? He completed a research project, "Social Status and Social Attitudes in India: A Study of Indian College Students," with Harvard University, USA and UBC. He has also delivered Ambedkar Memorial Lecture at British Columbia University, Simon Frazer University, and Toronto University all in Canada