Ph.D. (Genetics) University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi
M.Phil. (Botany) University of Delhi, Delhi
Plant Genetics and Genomics
My research investigates the genomics, and genetic engineering of crop plants for improved field traits and resistance to stress conditions. I am specifically interested in the development of genomic resources responsible for cotton fiber development and their impact on the future crop improvement strategies. Current work also explores the paracrine and long-distance hormonal activities of cytokinin in root-to-shoot communication that will be utilized in the development of transgenic mustard with enlarged root system exhibiting increased drought tolerance without having negative side effects in the aerial organs. I am most concerned with identifying novel genes and their functional aspects and engaging them in sustainable and rewarding applications in the field that improves agricultural outcomes for the societal benefits.
- Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (June 6, 2023 onwards)
- Assistant Professor, School of Biotechnology, Gautam Buddha University (U.P. State Government), Greater Noida, U.P. (2009 – 2023)
- DBT Visiting Associate, Department of EEOB, Iowa State University, USA (2007- 2008)
- Lecturer of Botany, Visva-Bharati (Central) University, Santiniketan, W.B. (2005 - 2009)
Associateship for Specialized Training of Young Scientist in Niche Areas of Biotechnology: 2005-06; Awarded by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India Award No.BT/IN/BTOA/Niche/2006 Availed at Iowa State University USA
Sanctioned Extramural Research Grants (as PI)
- CSIR sponsored research project titled “Development of Pure Lines of Indian Cotton Cultivar(s) for the Trait of In Vitro Regeneration” (2018-2021)
- SERB-DST sponsored research project titled “Root-Specific Reduction of Cytokinin for Enhanced Root Growth and Drought Tolerance in oilseed mustard (Brassica juncea L. cv. Varuna)” (2018-2021)
- DBT sponsored research project titled “Target Mimicry-Based Silencing of microRNA¬167 Gene Family Targeting Auxin Response Factors (ARFs)’ Gene Expression During Cotton Fiber Development” (2015-2018)
- CSIR sponsored research project titled “Introgression of Regeneration Character into Elite Indian Cotton Cultivars” (2012-2016)
- DBT sponsored research project titled “Spatiotemporal Manipulation of Profilin Gene Family in Cotton Fiber Cells for Increased Yield and Quality” (2012-2015)
- DST sponsored research project on “Genetics of In vitro regeneration through somatic embryogenesis in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Coker 310)” under Fast Track Scheme for Young Scientist. (2010-2013)
- CSIR sponsored research project titled “Assessment of genetic diversity at inter- and intra-specific levels of the genus Dendrobium (Orchidaceae) through micro- morphological characters and molecular markers”. (2007-2010)
- Arora, S., Singh, A.K. and Chaudhary, B. (2023). Coordination of floral and fiber development in cotton (Gossypium) by hormone- and flavonoid-signalling associated regulatory miRNAs. Plant Molecular Biology 112, 1–18
- Khuman, A., Kumar, V., and Chaudhary, B. (2022). Evolutionary expansion and expression dynamics of cytokinin-catabolizing CKX gene family in the modern amphidiploid mustard (Brassica sp.). 3 Biotech 12(9):233.
- Pandey, D.K., Kumar, V. and Chaudhary, B. (2022). Concomitant expression evolution of cell wall cytoskeletal geneic triad(s) controls floral organ shape and fiber emergence in cotton (Gossypium). Frontiers in Plant Science doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.900521
- Pandey, D.K., Chaudhary, B. (2021). Transcriptional loss of domestication-driven cytoskeletal GhPRF1 gene causes defective floral and fiber development in cotton (Gossypium). Plant Molecular Biology 107(6):519-532 (highlighted on Journal’s cover page)
- Arora, S., and Chaudhary, B. (2021). Global expression dynamics and miRNA evolution profile govern foral/fber architecture in the modern cotton (Gossypium). Planta 254:62
- Makkar, H., Arora, S., Khuman A.K., and Chaudhary, B. (2021). Target-mimicry based miR167-diminution confers salt stress tolerance during in vitro organogenesis of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi). Journal Plant Growth Regulation 41:1462–1480
- Pandey D.K. and Chaudhary, B. (2020). Evolution of functional diversity among actin-binding profilin genes in land plants. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 8:588689
- Arora, S., Singh, A.K. and Chaudhary, B. (2020). Target-mimicry based miRNA167-diminution ameliorates cotton somatic embryogenesis via transcriptional biases of auxin signaling associated miRNAs and genes. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 141:511–531
- Pandey, D. K. and Chaudhary, B. (2019) Synchronous transcription of cytoskeleton-associated genes is critical to cotton fiber elongation. J Plant Growth Regulation 38, pages1037–1061
- Pandey, D. K. and Chaudhary, B. (2016) Domestication-driven Gossypium profilin 1 (GhPRF1) gene transduces early flowering phenotype in tobacco by spatial alteration of apical/floral-meristem related gene expression. BMC Plant Biology 16: 1-21
- Chaudhary, B., Hovav, R., Flagel, L., Mittler, R. and Wendel, J.F. (2009). Parallel evolution of oxidative stress-related genes in fiber from wild and domesticated diploid and polyploid cotton (Gossypium). BMC Genomics 10:378
- Chaudhary,B., Flagel, L., Stupar M. R., Udall, J.A., Verma, N., Springer, N.M. and Wendel, J.F. (2009). Reciprocal silencing, transcriptional bias and functional divergence of homoeologs in polyploid cotton (Gossypium). Genetics 182:503-517
- Chaudhary, B., Hovav, R., Rapp, R., Verma, N., Udall, J.A. and Wendel, J.F. (2008). Global analysis of gene expression in cotton fibers from wild and domesticated Gossypium barbadense. Evolution and Development 10(5) :567-582
- Hovav*, R., Chaudhary*, B., Udall, J.A., Flagel, L. and Wendel, J.F. (2008). Parallel domestication, convergent evolution and duplicated gene recruitment in allopolyploid cotton. Genetics 179:1725-1733 (*equal contribution)
- Hovav, R., Udall, J. A., Chaudhary, B., Rapp,R., Flagel, L. and Wendel, J.F. (2008). Partitioned expression of duplicated genes during development and evolution of a single cell in a polyploid plant. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105:6191-6195
- Chaudhary B., Kumar S., Prasad K.V.S.K., Oinam G.S., Burma P.K. and Pental D. (2003). Slow desiccation leads to high frequency shoot recovery from transformed somatic embryos of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Coker 310 FR). Plant Cell Reports 21: 955-960
Book Chapters
- Pandey, D. K. and Chaudhary, B. (2015). Genes and Trans Factors Underlying Embryogenic Transition in Plant Soma Cell, In Advances in the Understanding of Biological Sciences Using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Approaches. (Eds.) Sablok, G., Kumar, S., Ueno, S., Kuo, J., Varotto, C. (Eds.) (155-178), Publisher: Springer International Publishing, Print ISBN:978-3-319-17156-2
- Verma, N. and Chaudhary, B. (2012) Natural History of Modern Cotton Fiber: Elongated Single Fiber Cell with Double Genome Size, In Current Trends in Biotechnology (Eds.) Tiwari, S.K. & Singh, B. (152-158), Publisher: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing; ISBN:978-3-659-15773-8
- Chaudhary B. (2006) Proteomics: Basic Concepts and Application, In Biodiversity and Biotechnology (Eds.) S. Ray and A.K. Ray Publisher: New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd, Kolkatta, India, ISBN: 81-7381-505-4
- Chaudhary, B., and Arora S. (2022) Method of Phenotypic Regulation of Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Development In Cotton. India Patent Application No. 202211026119, 5th May 2022
- Chaudhary, B., Arora S. and Pandey, D. K. (2018) Method of plant phenotype alteration via target-mimicry based diminution of miRNA167. India Patent Application No. 201811032478 A, 30 August 2018
- Chaudhary, B. and Pandey, D. K. (2017) Bioengineering of Cotton for Increased Floral Inception and Fiber Initiation. India Patent Application No. 201711026325 A, 04 August 2017
- Chaudhary, B. and Pandey, D. K. (2017) Method for enhanced tetrahydrofolate production by deregulation of allosteric inhibition of dihydroneopterin aldolase (DHNA). India Patent Application No.201711000033 A, 05 January 2017
- Chaudhary, B. and Pandey, D. K. (2016) Methods of Producing Early Flowering and Enhanced Agronomic Traits in Plants. India Patent Application No.201611036458 A, 28 October 2016