Southeast Asian and Southwest Pacific Studies/Southeast Asian Studies
30 years experience in research and teaching
Awarded the ASIA Fellows Award 2005-06 (Funded by Ford Foundation), and based as a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Jakarta from April 2006 till January 2007. The work focused on the `Effects of Globalisation on Plural Societies: A Case Study of Indonesia’.
Awarded a joint collaborative grant by the Asian Scholarship Foundation with Professor Uttara Sahasrabuddhe, Department of Civics and Politics, Mumbai University on “India and Indonesia: Global Powers and Regional Politics”, in October 2009.
Visiting Fellow at the Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy (APCD) at the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra from May 2005 to July 2005.
India’s Humanitarian Assistance to Myanmar, in Delivering Humanitarian Assistance to Myanmar: Roles and Options for Regional Actors, CSIS Jakarta and RSIS Singapore Policy Brief, 21 December 2021.
ASEAN and the Indo-Pacific: Managing the Impact of Regional Power Shifts, in Pratnashree Basu (ed.) Brass Tacks: Unpacking the Indo-Pacific Template, ORF-Global Policy Journal Series, Wiley-Balckwell, New Delhi 2021.
India-ASEAN Relations: `Acting’ East in the Indo-Pacific, International Studies, vol. 54, nos. 1-4, Sage, New Delhi, 2018, pp. 62-81,
Understanding the Indo-Pacific: Why Indonesia will be Critical, Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 272-293, Society for Indian Ocean Studies, New Delhi, August 2016.
Fiji in Asia: India’s “New” Look East Policy – Looking Beyond Southeast Asia at the South Pacific, Fijian Studies: A Journal of Contemporary Fiji, vol. 4, no. 2, November 2006, Fiji Institute of Applied Sciences, Fiji
How Northeast and Southeast Asian Security Shape the Security Outlook of India and Australia, in Shared Interests: Australia-India Relations into the Twenty-First Century, Strategy: Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), December 2005.
Politics and Security in Southeast Asia: Prospects for India-ASEAN Cooperation, International Studies, Vol. 41, No. 4, October-December 2004 (School of International Studies, JNU/Sage Publications, New Delhi).
Pluralism in India and Indonesia: Diversity in the Quest for Unity, Konark Publications 2024. (forthcoming)
Understanding Indo-Pacific: Historical Context and Evolving Dynamics, in Kratuik et al (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Indo-Pacific Studies, Routledge, London/ New York, 2023.
People Centered: Advancing India ASEAN Ties Through People to People Contact, in Koh, Singh and Thuzar (eds.), ASEAN India: The Way Forward, World Scientific, Singapore, 2023.
India-Myanmar Relations: A Critical Link in India’s Eastward Engagement, in E. Sridharan (ed.) Eastward Ho? India’s Relations with the Indo-Pacific, Orient Blackswan, New Delhi, 2021.
India-Indonesia Relations: Moving From Shared Commonalities to Strategic Partnership, in E. Sridharan (ed.) Eastward Ho? India’s Relations with the Indo-Pacific, Orient Blackswan, New Delhi, 2021.
ASEAN’s Centrality in the Indo-Pacific: Strategic Drift or Tethered Drift, in Australia-India-Japan Trilateral Dialogue 2019: Leadership, Partnership and ASEAN Centrality in the Indo-Pacific, Griffith Asia Institute (GAI), Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, 2020.
India and ASEAN Regionalism Amid Challenges to Maritime Security and Cooperation, in Prabir De (ed.), ASEAN and India: Partners of Integration in Asia, Proceedings of the 5th Roundtable of the ASEAN India Network of Think Tanks (AINTT) 6-7, January 2018, ASEAN India Centre, RIS, New Delhi, August 2020.
Indonesia’s Role in the G 20: Assessing the Critical Link in the ASEAN Chain, in John Whalley and Manmohan Agarwal (eds.), Economics of G 20: Developing Countries and the Need for G 20, World Scientific Reference, 2020.
Cambodia: The Lost Decades, Knowledge World, 2000