Vibha Tandon
Centre/School/Special Centre
Special Centre for Molecular Medicine
Off. Phone
011-26738825, 011-26741640
011- 41428020, 09313583818
vtandon@mail.jnu.ac.in , vibhadelhi6@gmail.com
Personal Webpage
Areas of Interest/Specialization
Chemical Biology ,Radiation Biology & Cell Signalling, Drug Development and Study of their mechanism of Action based on Genomics & Proteomics, Development of Antibiotics for Gyrase Resistant Strains targeting Topoisomerase IA Gene in bacteria.
22 Years of Research Experience
Awards & Honours
1. Appointed member of Subject Expert Committee - Chemical Sciences of Women Scientist Scheme ( WOS –A) for three years from 2013 -16.
2. Fulbright Senior Research fellowship awarded for the year 2012 -13 to visit Department of Cell Biology ,Georgia State University, Atlanta USA. 3. Awaraded INSA visiting fellowship for the year 2011-12 , to visit with Prof. George Iliakis, Institute of radiation Biology and Oncology at Essen Germany under bilateral exchage programme of Indian National Science Academy (INSA) 4. DAAD fellow under Indo German exchange program of DST –DAAD to visit and collaborate with Prof. George Iliakis, Institute of radiation Biology and Oncology at Essen Germany , 2010 -2011. 5. Member of National Academy of Sciences India ,Allahabad. 6. Awarded Royal Society fellowship for visit to Prof. Michael J. Gait’s laboratory at Cambridge University, Cambridge, U.K. under the Bilateral Exchange Programme of INSA with Royal Society, U.K (2007-2008). 7. Invited talk at XIV National Organic Symposium Trust April 2014 at Agra. 8. Awarded fellowship for the three months visit to Prof. Stephen Neidle’s laboratory at University of London, U.K. under the Bilateral Exchange Programme of INSA with Royal Society, U.K (2004-2005). 9. Presented a paper in Albany 2007, 15th Conversation held at State University of New York. New York, USA from June 19-23 2007. 10. A reviewer for the Journal of American Chemical Society, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Research in Toxicology. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 11. A member of the committee of University of Delhi, which was coordinating the visit of UGC X Plan Committee in Delhi University. |
International Collaboration/Consultancy
1. International Collaborative Project : Indo South Africa INT/SAFR/P(2/2011) -03/10-2011)Design Synthesis and Evaluation of 1,2 –dihydroisoquinolines as HIV Integrase Inhibitors. Tenure of Project ; 2011-13 . Funded By Department of Science & Technology ,India. & South Africa jointly. PIs are from :University of Delhi and Johannesburg Medical School.
2. Project Title : International collaborative Project : Indo German Project ; Validation and Testing of DNA binding ligands as Radiomodulator in Human Cells. PIs from University of Delhi & Essen Medical School,University of Duisburg, Essen Germany. 3. International Collaboration with Prof. Yuk-Ching Tse Dinh, Department of Biochemistry & Chemistry, Florida International University, Miami Research Project ; We are alongwith her laboratory working on the basic logic that each pathogen has at least one type IA topoisomerase providing a target for discovery of new antibiotics to combat multi –drug resistant infections, including MDR and XDR-TB. The study of the structure and mechanism of bacterial topoisomerase I provide the basic foundation for translational application of this enzyme as a novel antibacterial target. Drug Discovery research extends to anticancer drugs targeting human DNA topoisoemrases. 4. International Collaboration with Prof. Ritu Aneja , Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA. Her laboratory is devoted to address the urgent need for chemopreventive approaches and kinder and gentler chemotherapeutic modalities to fight with Cancer. Fortunately, decades of exhaustive research have yielded a battery of chemotherapeutic agents, the most notable of which include tubulin-binding drugs. We are currently collaborating with her laboratory to explore phytochemicals and Noscapinoids a gentler tubulin binding drugs and investigating these molecules using biochemical, molecular, and cellular biological techniques with in vivo, in vitro, and in silico systems. |
Best Peer Reviewed Publications
1. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel Bisbenzimidazoles as Escherichia coli Topoisomerase IA Inhibitors and Potential Antibacterial Agents. Hemlata Nimesh, Souvik Sur, Devapriya Sinha, Pooja Yadav, Prachi Anand, Priyanka Bajaj, Jugsharan S. Virdi, Vibha Tandon. J. Med. Chem. 2014, 57, 5238-5257.
2. Enterohepatic re-circulation of bioactive ginger phytochemicals is associated with enhanced tumor growth-inhibitory activity of ginger extract. Gundala SR, Mukkavilli R, Yang C, Yadav P, Tandon V, Vangala S, Prakash S, Aneja R. Carcinogenesis. 2014 Jan 15. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgu011. 3. A Copper-Catalyzed Tandem Synthesis of Indolo- and Pyrrolo[2,1-a]isoquinolines; Akhilesh Kumar Verma,* Tanay Kesharwani, Jaspal Singh, Vibha Tandon and Richard C. Larock* Angew. Chem Int. Ed. 2008, 48, 1138-1143. 4. Bi-and Tri- Substituted Phenyl Ring containing Bisbenzimidazoles Bind Differentially with DNA duplexes: A Biophysical and Molecular Simulation Study. Manish Singh, Souvik Sur, B. Jayaram, Vibha Tandon; Mol. BioSyst., 2013, 9, 2541-2553. 5. DMA, a Bisbenzimidazole, Offers Radioprotection by Promoting NFkappaB Transactivation through NIK/IKK in Human Glioma Cells Navrinder Kaur, Atul Ranjan, Vinod Tiwari , Ritu Aneja, Vibha Tandon. PLoS One, 7(6) (2012) e39426. |
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals/Books
1. Tandon, Vibha. 2005. Molecular Modelling. Shree Publishers and Distributors, Delhi.
2. Tandon, Vibha, Tiwari Manisha. 2004. Natural Products Volume1. Isha Books, Delhi. 3. Tandon, Vibha, Tiwari Manisha. 2004. Natural Products Volume2. Isha Books. Delhi. |
Patents (if any)
Indian Patent No: 217681 Patent application No 21/DEL/2003 Title:"A process of preparing an extract of annona squamosa for treatment of diabetes” Date of Filing-07/01/2003 Date of Grant-28/03/2008 Indian Patent No: 241650 Patent application No 32/DEL/2003 Title: “The process for the synthesis of bisbenzimidazoles and its derivations” Date of Filing-09/01/2003 Date of Grant-17/07/2010 European Patent No: 1590332 (European patent application no. 03815133.8) (Priority Indian patent application No 32/DEL/2003 and PCT International patent application no.PCT/IN03/00301) Title: “The process for the synthesis of bisbenzimidazoles and its derivations” Date of Filing: 08.09.2003 Date of Grant: April 27, 2011 European Patent No: 1589983 (European patent application no. 03814526.4) (Priority Indian patent application No 21/DEL/2003 and PCT International Patent Application no PCT/IN03/00228) Title: "A process of preparing an extract of annona squamosa for treatment of diabetes” Date of Filing: 20.06.2003 Date of grant : EPO intention to grant issued, further pursuance would subject to quick possibility of commercialization. |