- B.A Economics Madras Christian College Awarded 1984
- MA Economics Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi Awarded 1986
- M Phil Economics Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi Awarded 1989 (Dissertation title: Factors Influencing the Decision to Mechanise: The South Indian Experience)
- PhD Economics Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi Awarded 2001(Dissertation Title Some Aspects of Industrial and Labour Markets in India: Perspectives from Law and Economics)
Trained as an economist at the Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Jaivir Singh's research work aims at an interdisciplinary exploration of law and the economy. He has published on diverse topics that include the Indian Constitution, Regulation, Labour Law, Competition Law, Corporate Law and International Investment Treaties.
He has taught courses on Microeconomics, Development and Policy, Law and Economics, Governance II – The Legal Dimensions, Research Methods, Institutional Economics and Ethics and Economics
Teaching Experience
Professor Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University – 28th February 2012 onwards
Associate Professor Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University – 28th February 2005 to 28th February 2012
Assistant Professor Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University – 28th February 2003 to 28th February 2005
Permanent Lecturer in Economics, Kirori Mal College University of Delhi – 27th April 1995 onwards with a promotion to Senior Lecturer on 19th September 1996 and a subsequent promotion to Readers grade with effect from 19th September 1999.
Temporary Lecturer in Economics Kirori Mal College University of Delhi – 11th September 1990 to 26th April 1995.
Ad Hoc Lecturer in Economics Kirori Mal College University of Delhi –19th September 1989 to 10th September 1990.
Visiting Affiliations
Visiting Scholar at Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota January 10th – May 25th 2008
Affiliated as Senior Research Fellow with Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) 2015-2016
Honorary Professor Department of Business Law The University of Sydney Business School 4th October to 17th October
- (2000) ‘Monopolistic Trade Practices and Concentration of Economic power: Some Conceptual problems in MRTP Act’ Economic and Political Weekly Dec 9th
- (2006) ‘Separation of Powers and the Erosion of the ‘Right to Property’ in India’ Constitutional Political Economy
- (2014) ‘Delegation of Legislation in India: Constitutional Imperatives and the Economy of Politics’ in Sudha Pai and Avinash Mishra (ed.) The Indian Parliament: A Critical Appraisal Orient BlackSwan
- (2015) ‘Who is a Worker? Searching the Theory of the Firm for Answers’ in K.V. Ramaswamy (ed.) Labour, Employment and Economic Growth in India Cambridge University Press
- (2019) co-authored with Das, D. K., Abhishek, K., & Kukreja, P. Factors Influencing the Decision to Hire Contract Labour by Indian Manufacturing Firms Oxford Development Studies
- (2018) co authored with Ragabh Dhash ‘Parliamentary Control of Delegated Legislation: The Hazhards of Erronoeous Delegation’ in Ajay K. Mehra (ed) The Indian Parliament and Democratic Transformation Routledge
- (2018) Frustrating or Perhaps Supportive of Economic Activity? A Law and Economics Take on Labour Law in India’ GNLU Journal of Law and Economics Vol I issue1 September 2018
- (2018) co-authored with Pankaj Kumar Issues in Law and Public Policy on Contract Labour in India: Comparative Insights from China Springer, Singapore