Ph.D. in Economics, Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi Centre
Macroeconomics, Growth Theory, International Trade, Development, Political Economy, Electoral Competition, Economic Regulation, Climate Change Economics, Environmental Economics, Energy and Resource Economics, Economic Modeling.
Since January 2018: Chairperson, CITD, SIS, JNU
From December 2013-December 2015: Chairperson, CITD, SIS, JNU
Since September 2010: Professor of Economics, CITD, School of International Studies, JNU
From September 2004-September 2010: Associate Professor, CITD, School of International Studies, JNU
From June 2003-September 2004: Associate Professor, TERI University
Referee for Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE), Environment and Development Economics (EDE), Indian Growth and Development Review (IGDR), and Singapore Economic Review (SER), Global Environmental Change (GEC), Journal of Social and Economic Development (JSED), and Review of Market Integration (RMI).
Member, Program Committees of Sixth World Congress for Environmental and Resource Economics, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden, Fifth World Congress for Environmental and Resource Economics, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, Third World Congress for Environmental and Resource Economics, 2006, Kyoto, Japan.
Member, Program Committees of 2008, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2017 Annual Conferences of the European Association for Environmental and Resource Economics.
Member of the Governing Council, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi (since January 2018)
From 1998-May 2003: Fellow and Area Convener, Trade & Environment Area at The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI) and Adjunct Faculty, TERI University (Since 2000).
1994-1998: Research Fellow, Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi. Worked on Ph.D. Thesis. (On Study Leave).
1988-1994: Research Associate at TERI
Awarded the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Academic Residency for a 4-week at the Bellagio Centre, Italy, June-July 2013.
Awarded short term Chair on Indian Studies from Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, at the Institute of International Relations (IIR), Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv, Ukraine, May, 2013.
Awarded the DAAD funded Senior Fellowship for Research at Department of Economics, University of Applied Sciences (HTW) Berlin during June-August, 2010.
Awarded gold medal for obtaining first rank in University of Delhi, 1988.
- Research monograph on “Renewable Energy in India: Implications for the Macro Economy and Energy Security” commissioned by the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) as a part of the study on “Research on An Assessment of India's Energy Choices”, October 2016-February 2018 (with Saptarshi Mukherjee).
- Research project on "BRICS: An Alternative Vision of Trans-Regional Cooperation from the Global South". Supported by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). April 2015-June 2017. Working on Trade, FDI and Climate Change Issues in the BRICS.
- Research paper on "Role of Fiscal Instruments in Promoting Low-carbon Technology Innovation: A Scoping Study" for the Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) of UNEP, October 2014-February 2015, (with Rita Pandey).
- Research project on "Growth and Development Impacts of Climate Change in the Context of Skill-Biased Technological Transition". Funded by UPE II, Jawaharlal Nehru University. October 2014-March 2018.
- Research on “Climate Change and Endogenous Growth in a Multi-country Heterogeneous World” as part of Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Academic Residency awarded to me during June- July 2013.
- Research paper on "Indian Perspective in the Run-Up to the UN Climate Change Conference 2011 in Durban" for Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Berlin, Germany.
- Research paper on "Fossil-Fuel Subsidies in India in the Context of G-20 Dialogue" commissioned by ICRIER, New Delhi for Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
- Research paper on "Framework for Implementation of Climate Change Treaty through Self-enforcing Mechanisms" for ICRIER, New Delhi (with Saptarshi Mukherjee).
- Paper on "Optimal Public Policy in a Schumpeterian Model of Endogenous Growth with Environmental Pollution", under DAAD Fellowship at HTW, Berlin - Ongoing.
- Collaborative research on "Sustainable Cities Initiative" with Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of Berkeley (with Maithili Iyer and Stephane de la Rue du Can).
- "International Trade and Carbon Leakage: An Analytical Framework for India and Russia", for Vi-UNCTAD, Geneva (with Aparna Sawhney).
- Research monograph on "Indian Perspective on Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency" for ICRIER, New Delhi (with Aparna Sawhney).
- Joint Research on "Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs)" with the University of Jordan and University of Mauritius, for the Vi-UCTAD, Geneva.
- Teaching material preparation on "Environmental Economics with an International Dimension for the Vi-UNCTAD", Geneva (with Sangeeta Bansal and Aparna Sawhney).
- Mehra Meeta K. and Deepti Kohli, Environmental Regulation and Intra-Industry Trade. International Economic Journal. Forthcoming. Published online at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/10168737.2018.1461914?needAccess=true
- Manjhi Ganesh and Meeta K. Mehra, A Dynamic Analysis of Special Interest Politics and Electoral Competition. Dynamic Games and Applications. Forthcoming. Published online at https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs13235-018-0241-2.pdf
- Datt Divya and Meeta K. Mehra, 2016. Environmental Policy in a Federation with Special Interest Politics and Inter-Governmental Grants. Environmental and Resource Economics. Volume 64 Issue 4, pages 575-595. Published online, February 2015.
- Pandey Rita and Meeta K. Mehra, 2016. Choice and Design of Fiscal Policy Instruments to Accelerate Innovation in Renewable Energy. The International Journal on Green Growth and Development: Special Issue on Fiscal Policy and Green Growth. Vol. 2, No 2, pages 127-160.
- Basu, Sujata and Mehra, Meeta K, 2014. Endogenous Human Capital Formation, Distance to Frontier and Growth. Research in Economics. No 68, pages 117–132.
- Pandey, Rita and Mehra, Meeta K., Choice and Design of Policy Instruments towards Promoting Renewable Energy Technologies: Conceptual Framework and Guiding Principles. In The Economics of China and India: Cooperation and Conflict. Volume 3: Economic Growth, Employment and Inclusivity: The International Environment. Agarwal, Manmohan, Wang, Jing and Whalley, John (Eds.). World Scientific. February 2017. SBN: 978-981-3100-39-8.
- Mehra, Meeta K. and Pandey, Rita, Emerging Experience with Design and Implementation of Policy Instruments for RET D&D across Countries. In The Economics of China and India: Cooperation and Conflict. Volume 3: Economic Growth, Employment and Inclusivity: The International Environment. Agarwal, Manmohan, Wang, Jing and Whalley, John (Eds.). World Scientific. February 2017. SBN: 978-981-3100-39-8.
- Sawhney, Aparna, and Mehra, Meeta K. Indian Perspective on Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency. In Emerging Economies: Food and Energy Security and Technology and Innovation, Shome, Parthasarathi and Sharma, Pooja (Eds.). Springer Publishers, 2015. ISBN 978-81-322-2101-2.