Preeti D Das
Centre/School/Special Centre
Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies,
School of International Studies
Room No
Off. Phone
preetidd@mail.jnu.ac.in, ketyusha@gmail.com
Personal Webpage
Ph. D.
Areas of Interest/Specialization
- Ethno – Religious and Culture studies,
- Ethnicity and Religion in Russia,
- Folklore, Russian Language and Literature
- Teaching Seminar Course on Eurasia and the World
- Teaching M. Phil - Russian Society and Culture
- Teaching M. A. IR – Globalization, Social Change and Culture from 2017
- Have been teaching the Russian Language since 2001 in Jawaharlal Nehru University
- Taught in Centre for Russian Studies as Part time lecturer
Awards & Honours
- Awarded Jean Monnet Project Strengthening and promoting EU Studies Across India (SAPHIRE), co-funded by the European Union in 2020
- Researcher in PPMI project on the update of 2015 EU Perception Study, 2021. https://ppmi.lt/en/news/ppmi-to-carry-out-the-update-of-2015-eu-perceptions-study-474.html
- Co-PI in Financial Grant on Network titled as REACTIK - Creative Economy And Cultural International link, as partner institution (along with Network partners from Israel, New Zealand, Japan, and Denmark) under the Framework of Erasmus+ Program - Jean Monnet Network- 2018 for Intercultural studies 2018-2021.
- Co-PI in Financial Grant on “Impact of SSA on Primary Education in Madhya Pradesh: Bhopal and Morena” by UPoE (University of Potential Excellence) call by Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, from 2015-2019.
- Partner in developing online course on Russian Folklore under UGC, EPG Pathshala - Russian Folklore, Completed
Distance language learning – a book on –“Russian language” for Indira Gandhi open university – Completed (published)
Scholarship to Study in erstwhile USSR for five years integrated M.A. Course by Russian Cultural Centre
International Collaboration/Consultancy
- Memeber of Editorial Board of the International Online Journal Caucasian Science Bridge, http://csb.sfedu.ru/index.php/csbjournal/about/editorialTeam
- Member of Editorial Board of the International Scientific online Journal for the Study of legal Issues in the Interdisciplinary Context, University of Tyrnaviensis Facultas Juridica, Slovakia from March 2016
- Reviewer in “New Europe - Society, Culture, religion and Law”, Trnavska Univerzita v Trnave, Pravnicka Fakulta, Trnava 2016 - http://publikacie.iuridica.
truni.sk/wp-content/uploads/ 2017/03/zbornikTPD_%D0%BE%D0% B1%D1%89%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0% B2%D0%BE.pdf - Member of Program Committee International Conference XXXI Kharakskiy Forum - Political Space and Social Time, on 22 - 26 November 2016 at Yalta (Kharaks) Crimea, Russia jointly organised by Crimean Federal University, Western - Michigan University, USA and Tyrnavskiy University Slovakia
- Proctor in Jawaharlal Nehru University Since 2014 till January 2017
- Member of external examiner in M.S. University Vadodara
- Member of Expert committee and Course Writer of Russian Language and Cultural Studies at the Indira Gandhi Open University, New Delhi.
- Consulting member at the University of Dev Sanskrity Vishva Vidhyalaya, Haridwar
Best Peer Reviewed Publications
Article "Why Dostoevsky is Relevant Today?" Critic (2022), Issue 20, part -3; pp - 56-62; Centre of Russian Studies, SLL&CS, JNU ISSN: 2229-7146, https://jnu.ac.in/sites/default/files/crs/E-copyCriticIssueNo20-Part-3.pdf
- Article "Author and his Creation: Author’s Voice in Chekhov’s Short-Stories" Assonance (2022) - A journal of Russian & Comparative Literary Studies; No. - 22; pp - 37-42; ISSN 2394-7853; Published by - Department of Russian & Comparative Literature, University of Calicut, Thenhipalam, Malappuram, Kerala – 673635
- INDIA – CENTRAL ASIA JANUARY SUMMIT 2022, Deciphering the Strategic Centrality of India's Central Asia Connect, Diplomatist, Vol. - 10, Issue No. - 2, February 2022, Page - 22, ISSN 2349 557X, https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=82E5112259EBD72F&id=82E5112259EBD72F%21540&parId=82E5112259EBD72F%21538&o=OneUp
- Cross-Cultural Connotations of Anti-Corruption Politics, Jointly with Prof. Yulia Shichanina, https://docviewer.yandex.ru/view/0/?page=2&*=mc9WJcf%2Bm1Wemon%2Bhl3%2Bw%2FLsmq57InVybCI6InlhLWRpc2stcHVibGljOi8vUDRub0RJQkJzVWhkczFnWFp5Rk1mWmpDZEorMkd3TU1GTFV0VlpwMG1nUmJxSXBENnc4QmpTaDhjanAzbXNONXEvSjZicG1SeU9Kb25UM1ZvWG5EYWc9PTovMl8xLnBkZiIsInRpdGxlIjoiMl8xLnBkZiIsIm5vaWZyYW1lIjpmYWxzZSwidWlkIjoiMCIsInRzIjoxNjM3ODM3MzM1NjEwLCJ5dSI6Ijg3MDczMDYxNzE1OTY3MjY3MzAifQ%3D%3D
- India, Russia to Step Up Defence Cooperation published in Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist issue of October 2019, https://drive.google.com/open?
id=1a1qHGIFia- nMLNEA3FuYL64MbTL-6dg7
- Contribution of Indian Cultural Industries in Strengthening Russia-India Cultural Ties, published in "Creative Industries of the Arctic Region: Experience and Development Prospects", Murmansk Arctic State University publication, Murmansk, Russia, ISBN 978-5-91571-016-9
- Fundamental Issues of Education – A reflection on Practices and Trends, published in Legal and Socio-Economic Problems of Modern Societies in Russia and World: Theory and Practice, from Murmansk Arctic State University publication, Murmansk, Russia, 2019, ISBN-978-5-291-00262-9
- Religious Minorities in the Context of India: Issues and Challenges, published in Rule of Law-Between Science and Art State Church relations and Religious Minorities, University of Trnava, Trnava, Bratislava, Slovakia, ISBN 978-80-8168-989-5, 2018 http://publikacie.iuridica.truni.sk/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Zbornik-TPD2019-UPONS
- Modernisation and Russian Culture, Published in International Studies 53(3–4) 305–320 2018 Jawaharlal Nehru University SAGE Publications sagepub.in/home.nav DOI: 10.1177/0020881718760639 http://journals.sagepub.com/home/isq, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0020881718760639
- Culture and Identity: The Challenges of Reintegrating Crimea, in the book - Eurasian States: Socio-Economic and Political Processes, Edited by Arun Mohanty and Ajay Patnaik, http://dcuisine.in/Home/product/9789386288066/eurasian-states-socio-economic-and-political-processes
- “Russian State and Society – The limits of Cultural Pluralism”, Published in Civilizational Paradigm in Philosophy and Reflection, Rostov-Na-Don, Russia, 2015, Publishers – YuRIU RANXiGS, ISBN 978-5-89546-750-3
- “Impact of Historical Memories in the Restoration of Culture in Modern Societies” published in Russian Philology, occasional papers, A publication of School of Russian Studies, No. 33 (2014) & No. 34 (2015), ISSN 2231-1564, The English and foreign Languages University, Hyderabad - 500007,TS India
- “Restoration of Cultural Reminiscence in the Process of Nation Building”, Crossroads Digest N 8/2013, The journal for the studies of Eastern European borderland, ISSN 2029-199X http://www.ehu.lt/files/Digest_08s.pdf
- Article “Ethnicity and Culture in Contemporary Crimea” published in Seminar publications of Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies SIS JNU in the month of November 2011
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals/Books
- Interview on Decoding Russia - Ukraine Crisis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIIV_L5Q-qM
- Interview on Russia - Ukraine Relations - Spotify: https://open.spotify.
com/show/ 6LwQZDMhYcIjdBN8udG6w9 Apple Podcast: https://podcasts. apple.com/in/podcast/5-russia- vs-ukraine-crises-dr-preeti- das/id1587030073?i= 1000536310072 - Book Title - India-Russia Cultural Ties: Changing Dimensions, Editor, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., ISBN: 978-93-90658-18-3, New Delhi, 2021
- Book Title - “Political Space & Social Time: Identity in Everyday life in the Structure of Living space”, Joint Editor of Book (T. Senyushkina, Rajeev Kumar, Preeti D. Das) - V.L. Media Solutions, ISBN: 978-93-87916-06-07, New Delhi, 2018
- Book Title - Elementary Russian Grammar, Published by IGNOU in Oct 2016 for Certificate
- Communication Skill - 1
- Written - Block - 1, Unit 4; Isbn No. - 978-93-85911-90-3
- Block - 2, Units - 1 to 5; Isbn No. - 978-93-85911-91-0
- Block - 4, Unit - 4; Isbn - 978-93-85911-93-4
- Communication Skill - 2; Title - Russian Language for Everybody , Certificate in Audio Video material, Member of expert committee and Course Writer - Isbn - 978-93-85911-95-8
- Books Published by UGC for Epg-pathshala as part of course on Russian Folklore 2016
- Module - M1.01 Peculiarities of Folklore https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/view.php?category=1186
- Module - M1.02 Classification of Folklore https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/view.php?category=1186
- Module - M1.03 Folklore Genres https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/view.php?category=1186
- Module - M4.01 Classification of Folktales https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/view.php?category=1186
- Module - M6.01 Russian Proverbs and sayings https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/view.php?category=1186
- Module - M8.01 Folkloric movements https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/view.php?category=1186