MA , M. Phil., Ph.D
* Foreign Policy and Politics of Russia and Central Asia
* Nationalism, Ethnicity, Federalism and Separatisn in North East India
* Regional Politics in Eastern Uttar Pradesh
* Politics of the Indian Diaspora
Professor, Centre for Russian and Central Asian & East European Studies, School of International Studies, JNU (16 October 2010 to present)
Associate Professor, Centre for Russian and Central Asian & East European Studies, School of International Studies, JNU (16th October 2004 to 15 October 2010)
Assistant Professor, Centre for Russian and Central Asian & East European Studies, School of International Studies, JNU (6th August 2001 to 16th October 2004)
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh (1st August 1997 to 3rd August 2001)
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Indira Gandhi Government College, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh (16th October 1995 to 31st July 1997)
L. M. Singhvi Fellow, Centre of South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge (from 27 April to 20 July 2014)
Charles Wallace Fellow, Centre of South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge (from 25 April to 20 July 2009)
Visiting Fellow, Cambridge Central Asia Forum, Cambridge (June 2008)
INTERNATIONAL ASSIGNMENT: Observer for the Presidential Election in Uzbekistan, December 2008.
* External Member Board of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Political Science, Nagaland University, Lumami, Nagaland since 2009.
* Awarded Major Research Project by the University Grants Commission (India) for the Project titled Asymmetrical Federalism in India: A Comparative Perspective.
* Centre de Sciences Humaines (New Delhi) funded project on Challenges to Indian Federalism: Politics of Identity and Self- determination. It is a comparative study of identity politics and separatist movement in Nagaland and Mizoram; (January 2006 to December 2008).
* Charles Wallace Trust Visiting Fellow, Centre of South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge (24 April to 19 July 2009).
* Cambridge Central Asia Forum, Cambridge, UK (June 2008)
* (2010),“Reassessing Russian Foreign Policy: Eurasianism and Pragmatism Combined” in K Santhanam ed. Eurasian Security Matters, (New Delhi: Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2010) pp. 55-68.
* (2008), “Russia and India: Putting Back Relations on an Even Keel”, in P. L. Dash and Andrei M. Nazarkin (eds.), Indo-Russian Diplomatic Relations: Sixty Years of Enduring Legacy, Academic Excellence: New Delhi, pp. 114-129.
* (2008), “Indo-Kyrgyz Relations: The Search for New Horizons”, in K. Santhanam and Ramakant Dwivedi (eds.), India-Kyrgyz Relations: Perspectives and Prospects, Anamaya Publishers: New Delhi, pp. 1-15.
* (2007), “Asia in the Debate on Russian Identity”, International Studies, New Delhi, Vol. 44, No. 4, October-December, pp. 317-337.
* (2007),“Indians in Central Asia” Diaspora Studies (London: Routledge) vol.1, no.1.2007, pp.17–30.
* (2013) “India’s Approach to Regional Cooperation in South Asia and its Relevance for Uzbekistan”, in R. Malhotra, P. L. Dash et el ed. South Asia and Central Asia: Quest for Peace and Cooperation (Chandigarh: Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID) and University of World Economy and Diplomacy at Tashkent, Uzbekistan): 117- 136.
* (2012) “India and the Importance of Central Asia” in P. L. Dash ed. India and Central Asia: Two Decades of Transition, (New Delhi: Oxford University Press): 01 – 11.
* (2011) “Water Security Issues and Porspects for Cooperation in Central Asia”, in Brig. Vinod Anand ed. Perspectives on Transforming India- Central Asia Engagement: Prospects and Issues (New Delhi: Vij Books India Pvt. Ltd 2011), pp. 151-159.